Dads Token

Guru2Go - DADS Token Market Chart

Market Chart for DADS Token

$DADS tokens earn $POL Rewards!

How to Claim $POL Rewards Manually

Follow these steps to manually claim your $POL rewards from the $DADS contract.

Go to $Dads contract

Navigate to the Polygonscan page for the $Dads token

Find the contract Tab

Once on the contract page, find the tab labeled ‘Contract’ to access the contract functions.

Click on [connect to web3]

Click on the button to connect your wallet to the contract.

Approve and Claim

After connecting to web3, approve the transaction on your wallet and then click on the write contract function to claim your $POL rewards.

Total Supply
The Importance of Dads Token

Token Stats

With a total supply of 46 billion tokens, Dads Token has enough tokens to meet the demands of a growing community.

Our dedicated team, strong community support, and innovative technology have made us a top choice in the market.